Sunday, March 23, 2008

What I Liked About C-SHALS 2008

C-SHALS 2008 was just about 2 years in the making. It was really fun and gratifying to see it go from an email to a real conference, and there are a lot of people to thank for that, including my conference co-chairs, Steven Leard and BJ Morrison of the ISCB, and all of the wonderful speakers we had (and every last one of them was truly wonderful).

I guess the thing I liked most about C-SHALS was that we accomplished what we set out to accomplish, to wit, hold a conference where we really discussed real-world application of semantic technologies to problems in pharmaceutical R&D. As Eric Neumann has already pointed out, of all the many valuable discussions we had during the course of C-SHALS there were several that were pretty theoretical in nature, but they were quickly steered back to the realm of the practical. I definitely came away with all kinds of notes for follow-up, and I know of at least one inter-pharma collaborative effort that we'll be investigating in the very near future. Pretty great results from the first-ever C-SHALS conference.

It would be great to hear from C-SHALS attendees what they liked about C-SHALS, and what they'd like to see next time.

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